Life is Good !
If yours doesn't feel good, or if you'd like it to feel better, you've found the right place.
My name is Lola! Love and I am a high energy coach practitioner. What does that mean? It means my life's mission is to help myself and others raise our own vibrations, which raises the vibration of the whole planet. You have the power to set your own vibration, and create whatever you choose. My passion is working with individuals and groups who are seriously ready to design the life of their dreams, and are willing to make the inner shifts that are necessary. Find out how I can help and support you to spiral higher and higher with my coaching and also with my new book:
Sweet Tips From Lola!s Lips: Fifty - Two Ways to Raise Your Vibration to Create the Life You Choose.
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Lola!s Tips
Learn more about Lola! Love and what inspires her to bring a new sense of purpose to peoples lives.
“The most important thing to me is the way my clients feel after a consultation, coaching session or reading my book...”
"I can't say enough about you Lola!...and how your Law of Attraction coaching sessions have enlightened my journey. Your sessions have broadened my insights causing me to realize who I am, and I am now operating in my higher purpose. You helped me learn how to accept God's will in all things knowing that everything will always work out for my good. Working with you my awareness has been raised to another level. I am now refreshed, inspired, and energized. Wouldn't it be nice if"...there were more Lola!'s in this world?
Thank you for everything that you are".
- Jaynie Jackson, Chayil Entertainment, Inc.
"Life coaching with Lola! helped me to identify issues that have stood in the way of self-approval, true joy and business success. Lola! assisted me in developing techniques and habits, which are, ground breaking for all aspects in life.
"Lola! is a muse. Her listening skills were most helpful for me. Her deep understanding and compassion are the most attractive qualities I find in her."
- Nadia Thibault, Sherman Oaks, CA
"Lola! is a dynamic and passionate Law of Attraction coach who cares deeply about her client's happiness. Her background in the entertainment industry was really helpful in understanding my desires and struggles as a filmmaker. I felt like she really got my vision for myself and worked with me in a way that was both insightful and fun. She's very good at lasering in on what's holding you back from your goals and guiding you to your own answers about how to change that. Her coaching led me to a new level of clarity about what actions I need to take to realize my dreams. Her guidance is a great blend of tough love and encouragement that help you see new possibilities and believe in your ability to realize them".
-Kamali, Filmmaker -
"Lola! is an amazing coach! She listens deeply and is non-judgmental, always enthusiastic and energetic in our sessions. Her style is addicting. She creates a safe environment and provides the tools for me to dig deep towards becoming a better me."
- APW, North Carolina
"This time last year I was in Raleigh, crying on the phone with a close friend of my mom's (who happens to be a life coach) because I was unhappy with where I was in life. I was VERY depressed and very unsure of my future. I was unsure if I even had a future... All I seemed to have was a stack of failed attempts at everything constantly gnawing at my soul. She asked me to list five of my dream jobs... Then she told me to go for them all. At the time I was too overwhelmed to even think about "going for" even one of them, much less all of them. Flash-forward to today - I got a phone call saying I landed one of my dream jobs! This happened as I was leaving an interview for another job, right before I sent my chef/ advisor a message about my classes next semester for the culinary program I am enrolled in. I am not going to take the job, because at this point in my life food is where my heart is.... But it feels incredible to know I got it, and to realize just how far I've come. That intimidating list now seems way too short. Thanks Lola! Love You changed my life and I am grateful!"
- Christina Pan,West Asheville, NC
"I saw Lola! for the second time in May of 2012. I noticed that there was a marked difference in her demeanor. She looked happy and at peace. What made this change so noticeable was that Lola! had just lost a significant family member, yet she managed to be genuinely warm and welcoming to others who were there to celebrate this life and the subsequent transition.
Later that week, I said to my friend, who is also Lola!'s sister, that there is something different about Lola!. I added that she is lighter in her presence and has such a sense of peace and calm around her. My friend told me that Lola! was enrolled in a Program that was teaching her how to be a Life Coach. My ears perked right up and I asked for more information. She promised to connect me to Lola!, so that I could discuss this new Program with her. She did as she promised. Once I spoke to Lola!, I was convinced that I needed what she had in my life. I quickly joined the Program and Lola! became my mentor and my Life Coach.
At the time, my life was a complete mess! My family unit was crumbling, my job was extremely stressful, I was pretty much broke, and I had ended a six year relationship with my significant other. I knew I needed something and Life Coaching from Lola! was exactly it. My life immediately began to change for the better. Firstly, I reunited with my family unit within a very short period of time. Secondly, although my job has not yet changed, I have learned to go downstream versus paddling upstream. I now have a new attitude and feel confident in my ability to attract my ideal job. Thirdly, my financial status has greatly improved. I continuously receive financial opportunities that yield me additional monies that are seemingly out of the blue. But Lola! and I know that this is a direct result of her Life Coaching. Lastly, my significant other and I are still not together, but we have managed to work out a friendship. He has been able to honor who I am as a woman in tangible ways and has acknowledged the significance of my role in his life.
It's been approximately seven months since my first Life Coaching session with Lola! and I now possess that peace and calm that drew me to her.
Thank you, Lola!, for my new life! Thank you for teaching me the skills that have enabled me to manifest my dreams!
With much love and gratitude,"
- Velma E. Jones, NewYork